
Working beyond retirement age

In 2022, 130,000 Australians retired. The average age at retirement was 64.8 years[1].
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A new financial year – a new start

As we approach the start of the 2025 financial year on July 1, 2024, there are several important considerations for us as individuals. Let’s explore six key financial aspects to ...
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When is the best time to retire?

Retirement – a phase many of us daydream about.
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What is happening with superannuation caps?

Many aspects of superannuation are governed by limits or caps.
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"Another year over..."

In the final blog last year, I drew upon the immortal words of the late, great, John Lennon
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Is the government eyeing off your super?

At the end of March 2023, there was a massive $3.5 trillion held by everyday Australians in superannuation.That is $3,500,000,000,000.
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What is the purpose of superannuation?

The Australian retirement income system consists of three pillars: The government funded means-tested age pension, Compulsory superannuation, and Private savings, including ...
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What is... retirement?

Regular readers of this blog will be aware that retirement is a recurring theme amongst the topics we discuss.
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Retirement - its more than just the money

Last week, I celebrated a significant career milestone. I clocked up 20 years working with my current employer.
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Having your cake, and eating it too

For many, retirement is that time in life when thoughts turn to enjoying life without the drag of having to go to work to keep food on the table. As my dear colleague, Mark Teale ...
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