
Working beyond retirement age

In 2022, 130,000 Australians retired. The average age at retirement was 64.8 years[1].
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A new financial year – a new start

As we approach the start of the 2025 financial year on July 1, 2024, there are several important considerations for us as individuals. Let’s explore six key financial aspects to ...
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When is the best time to retire?

Retirement – a phase many of us daydream about.
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What is happening with superannuation caps?

Many aspects of superannuation are governed by limits or caps.
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What is …..the First Home Super Saver scheme?

The First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme was introduced in July 2017, with eligible people able to access certain superannuation contributions from 1 July 2018.
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Is the government eyeing off your super?

At the end of March 2023, there was a massive $3.5 trillion held by everyday Australians in superannuation.That is $3,500,000,000,000.
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What is the purpose of superannuation?

The Australian retirement income system consists of three pillars: The government funded means-tested age pension, Compulsory superannuation, and Private savings, including ...
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How much should I draw from my pension?

Many retirees use their superannuation to commence a pension that pays income at regular intervals. The most common type of pension is an account-based pension. These are also ...
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How many super accounts should I have?

One of the surprising things with superannuation is the lack of engagement people have with it.
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What does the new financial year hold?

As time is running out to implement superannuation strategies for the 2023 financial year, let’s turn our attention to what will be changing from 1 July 2023.
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