The key to success is simply to start

Community Annual Partner Summit

March 26, 2020

In an era where the majority of us living in developed countries have the tools to follow our passions, what pushes the few that are successful to break away from the crowd?

The answer may be they simply start on their goals, while the rest of us second guess ourselves until the right opportunities have passed.

Centrepoint Alliance was lucky to have Keith Abraham speak at our annual conference in South Africa this year.

Abraham got the crowd motivated by encouraging attendees to simply start on projects rather than waiting until they could produce something perfect.

“Your goal is not to get it right. Your goal is to get it going. Then you can get it right!” he enthused to the room of financial advisers.

Abraham is a thought leader on passionate performance and building organisational cultures based on passion.

Having researched how top achievers harness their passion and achieve goals and focus for the past twenty years, Abraham emphasised thinking outside the box and using the power of community help each other achieve more.

“Community is about how do you keep on adding value to one another so you can build the strength of the group,” he said.

“It’s about being collaborative. It’s about working together to enhance each other’s business.”



Similarly, leading entrepreneurship author Richie Norton presents a guide to starting one’s journey in his now seminal book The Power of Starting Something Stupid.

In it, Norton outlines five tenets to guide one’s journey to success -

  1. Let go of fear, pride and procrastination.
  2. Find the courage within yourself to start on tasks that you may not feel completely prepared for.
  3. Set your standards and work hard to achieve them.
  4. Trust in yourself.
  5. Start on your ideas, no matter how silly they may seem.

Make 2018 the year you work on your dreams. No matter how big or small. No matter how impossible it may seem.

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