Improving reporting and operational efficiency with technology

Adviser Interview Advice Technology

July 11, 2021

It’s not often you have the time or capacity to conduct a full review of your client segments and reset your business model to ensure you have the foundations in place for growth. And with so many changes happening in the financial advice industry, it’s important to have systems and processes in place that help you implement changes that improve reporting and operational efficiency. 

That’s why Tom Ryan, owner of Financial Springs, was keen to review his use of Compass, Centrepoint Alliance's proprietary version of Xplan.

Refining segments and identifying opportunities

Over two one-on-one training sessions, the Centrepoint Alliance Advice Technology team worked with the Financial Springs team to conduct a thorough review of their client database, ensure the right segmentation models were in place and implement a system that works with the current processes and practices. 

This allowed Tom to prepare his business for the future, including looking at opportunities to implement automated processes while preparing for compliance changes expected in 2021. Taking part in the exercise allowed Tom and the team to:

  • Develop clear client segments based on client needs
  • Build a plan to create a single source of truth by expanding the use of Compass
  • Find ways to deliver streamlined and more efficient processes

You can read Tom’s full story here.

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